Here at TDS we do not just offer many different styles and levels of dance. More than anything else, we offer a lifestyle. TDS changes people for the better–we build positive personalities through a warm, loving, caring atmosphere through hard work and commitment. Learning to set high goals and achieving them, builds self-esteem. One of our motto’s “Fake it till ya make it” is posted on the wall to remind us daily never to give up until we achieve our goal.
BUILDING STRONG MINDS….comes directly from not giving up. Set a goal, fall down, and pick yourself back up time and time again until you finally reach the top. When you set a goal and achieve that which you desire, this knowledge that nothing is impossible solidifies a can-do attitude.
HEALTHY BODIES…..A by product of dancing, is building a healthy body. Exercise throughout your life will help you maintain a strong, pain free, healthy body. While we enjoy the art form of any dance class, we can also improve our health. Building a strong body that can take on the world, and health that can carry us throughout our entire life.
POSITIVE PERSONALITIES…. TEAMWORK is a big part of creating a positive personality. It teaches us all to work together and strive to seek out the best in everyone. Learning how to change, improve and build our personalities as to get along in a group setting. Another highlight in creating our personalities stems from exercise itself. A direct result of exercise is the happy endorphin sometimes called a “Runners High”. Exercise releases this endorphin which produces a euphoric, calm, clear state of mind. When people exercise they get a boost in their mood and happiness, feelings of accomplishment and also a break from life.